Saturday, June 16, 2007

Atomic SL 12pb 2008

Atomic, SL 12pb, 2008

Fabulous. Atomic have always made excellent slalom skis and the SL 12's are no exceptions. They are quite easy to use and are suitable for advanced skiers as well as experts. think of them as a supersports motorbike or Lotus Elise car, they are really nippy, great fun, can carve any turn and have fantastic levels of power in most situations.
Compared tomany of the their predeccessors I would say these are the easiest pair to ski. The flex at the tail feels relatively soft, the tip is also quite forgiving and turns in easily- compared to the full-on World Cup skis that I also tried they are domestic cats in comparison to a pair of starved lions.
As a pair of allround slalom ski for day to day skiing they are excellent although your legs will burn after a couple of hours cruising around. As a race ski for most club skiers they will be adequate and quite quick but for the experienced racer then they will want to seek out the FIS version which is considerably quicker from edge to edge, stiffer, quicker and far less tolerant.
in all an excellent advanced to expert ski for all mountain short to medium radius turns with a load of Atomic's race experience to boot.

The manufacturer says this about the Atomic, SL 12pb, 2008:

Dynamic, agile, full of power: the slalom racing ski for all top athletes and lovers of short radii with high level of physical fitness. In a new red and white outfit.
Optimum edge grip and direct transmission of power for the straightest line down the mountain. Innovative developments such as Power-bridge technology guarantee optimal race performance for rapid turns and those crusial fractions of a second to put you into the lead across the finishing line.

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