Sunday, June 03, 2007

Atomic ST 12pb 2008

Atomic, ST 12pb, 2008

Beautiful skis. the St 12pb's are marketed as womens skis but they are also delightful as an easier alternative to the racy SL 12. Everyone on test loved this ski. They are just so grippy, so turny and so much fun. They are packed with energy, agility and are almost playful in the hands of an expert. Ideal for lighter men (in terms of kilos or lbs).
Superb slalom skis for the advanced to expert of either sex. highly recommended.

The manufacturer says this about the Atomic, ST 12pb, 2008:

`Highly versatile slalom racing ski. Also equipped with the latest Powerbridge technology, with a softer flex, but above all tuned to the racing needs of athletic racing skiers.

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