Monday, June 25, 2007

Head Xenon Xi9.0 2008

Head, Xenon, Xi9.0,2008

Light, wide and very versatile. The new Xenon Xi 9.0 brings a new dimension to Head's ski range. They are very, very light which helps with agility, fatigue and ease-of-use plus they have a radical sidecut to help you carve turns no matter what the snow conditions. They are an interesting pair of skis and quite easy for the advanced skier to ski in pretty much any condition- they are good but not thrilling and I guess that is the issue. As with most things, if you make them pretty good in the majority of situations they can be a little dull at times whereas a ski that is built to specialise often thrills at its given task. So with the Xenon''s you get very capable performers and great skis for the majority but as with the majority of cars they are not overly riveting but get the job done. The Xenon's do the job.

The manufacturer says this about the Head, Xenon, Xi9.0,2008:

New!! The Xi 9.0 is the widest , lightest and most radically tailored model in our all-new multi-condition Xenon line. Wide but with a truly radical sidecut. Light but agile and stable. Quick on pack and smooth in slush and crud. A true multifunction revolution for the masses!

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