Friday, August 10, 2007

Stockli, Stormrider, Light, 2008 Skis

Stockli, Stormrider, Light, 2008 Skis

Ski touring is increasing massively in terms of its popularity. Touring is no longer the preserve of smelly mountain goats or skiers who don't have the technique to arc a turn on groomed, icy pistes- thankfully those folk take their abyssal technique elsewhere, far away into the back-country. No, surprisingly the new breed of tourers are washed, can sometimes carve a turn and are looking for skis to ski on... not just tooth-picks to cruise around with a dead seal strapped to the base. This fresh generation of ski tourers know their Blackberry's from a bar of soap!

Yes, the Stockli Stormrider Light is a great ski for the latter, the new generation- not the ones that resemble something the local farmer shot, and some rather large City gent ate last night with a hefty gulp of Genepi. You know who I mean! Gaiters!? Don't they live in Florida not at the bottom of some poor skiers legs!

The manufacturer says this about the Stockli, Stormrider, Light, 2008 Skis:

Lightweight mountaineering ski.

155 cm- 175 cm.

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