Saturday, May 17, 2008

Volkl Ledge Skis 2008

Volkl Ledge Skis 2008

Completely re-worked for '08/09 the new Ledge features some innovative technology from Volkl to keep this freestyle king at the forefront.

With the popularity of "buttering", flat-land tricks that don't require a kicker(jump" to launch from the skis are best designed with soft and extremely elastic, springy tips and tails to give you little kicks and spins whilst skiing along on the flat.

With Volkl's "Multi Layer Wood Core" and "Butter Zone Technology" the ski is split into zones - the front part of the ski is particularly soft whilst underfoot it is firmer and then again slightly softer at the tail but stiffer than the front giving better feeling when performing tricks.

One for the specialist. Well made, innovative and strong but definitely aimed at the pure freestyler.

The manufacturer says this about the Volkl Ledge Skis 2008:

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