We're not even half way through Winter 2007 and already there are the Winter 2008 ski tests for the retailers and magazines who are all gearing up to let loose on you the most cutting edge, fashionable, fast and sometimes downright sexy ski kit- its just that all this gearing-up takes about nine months and most of this stuff won't be at a store near you until next November!
Happily here at Skireviews we are able to bring you a few samples of what is going to be hot for next season not only under your feet but some of them are very easy to please on the eye as well.
The test itself featured hundreds if not thousands of skis from well over twenty five manufacturers, it was especially good to see some of the smaller, bespoke traders there such as Line Skis which are now available in France for the first time, Armada, 3 G (Genuine Guide Gear), 4Front and Volant for the more executive amongst you.
Meribel was covered with a fresh layer of lovely powder and the sun was burning whilst the air was clear and sharp- so perfect skiing conditions and we were very lucky! Keep checking out those ski reviews and also there will be some snappy reports from ISPO next week to keep you in-tune and up-to-date with the latest in the ski world.
A plus
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